I love watching my favourite shows. But I notice that ‘the moment’ has a different flavour when I turn off my laptop and open a book. I wonder why?
They say it’s cuz TV dulls your mind, while a book forces it to engage with the ideas or story. But, I listen to audiobooks all the time. And they make me engage with ideas. Sure, my presence in ‘the moment’ with an audiobook is less agitated than with TV. But it’s still not the same.
So, is it about the brain being active? Or is it about the soul being allowed to relax? (I say ‘soul’ cuz it feels good, but perhaps ‘consciousness’ or ‘spirit’ is better.)
When I’m reading, there’s no sound assaulting me through speakers — so my ears get a break. There are no vivid colours and flashing images — so my eyes get a break. And I can read the book as slowly as I want — savouring the story and the writing. So, I’m not being hurried along by a film-editor’s quick-cuts and fast-paced storytelling. And she needs those to keep people interested.
With a book, it’s just me, my breathing, an awareness of an inner cloud-like consciousness, and the promise of a story or idea that will unfurl slowly, in its own time.
I do so love watching TV though. 😆